Digital Image Scanning
High-performance scan generator and image acquisition systems for TEM and SEM
With the REVOLON TEM Scan Controller and the DISS6, point electronic offers the most powerful and versatile scan generators with integrated image acquisition for TEM and SEM.
Both systems are fully integrated, USB-controlled, and comes with comprehensive software for all standard needs. Simultaneous signals are displayed through tiled image windows, while live composite color images can be generated from multiple signal sources.
The scan profiles are entirely customizable for tailored workflows, and a live signal monitor provides complete image information and optimization. Advanced line scan and mapping tools, along with our Digital Image Processing System (DIPS6) software for offline functions are also included.
Both systems consist of hardware and software.

Highest quality images
- Compose live colour images with simultaneous acquisition
- Improve your publications with highest resolution images
- Record your data in standard, open image file formats

Network and Windows compatible
- Upgrade to modern hardware and software
- Record data to Windows 11…7 over USB2
- Collaborate with standard screen share and remote connection

Custom acquisition workflows
- Edit, add, reorder, reconfigure your own workflow
- Start from templates for live view, high resolution, video recording, mapping
- Fully configure each scan profile in your workflow

The best scan generator
- Record dynamic events with fast frame rates
- Avoid specimen charging with line and frame averages
- Reduce analysis time per device/sample

Individual characterisation or instrumentation
- Standard analogue and digital signal inputs
- Fully configurable scan signals and scan parameters
- API for scan control and image acquisition

Enhance capabilities
- Add controls for complete electronics upgrade
- Add software options for lithography, topography, large area mapping
- Add detectors and electronics for SE, BSE, EDS, EBIC, EBAC/RCI, STEM Counting

REVOLON TEM Scan Controller
- Integrated scan generator and image acquisition
- Large pixel resolution and high scanning speed
- Second stage digital amplification for EA
- Simultaneous BF, HAADF and EA inputs

DISS6 SEM Scan Controller
- Latest generation electronics for image scanning
- Calibrated 16-bit signal digitization
- Standard 4x simmultaneous SEM signal inputs
- Added 8x simmultaneous inputs for in-situ preamplifiers
- Independent brightness & contrast controls for each signal

Scan Control Software for REVOLON TEM Scan Controller
- Gives open and independent access to scan parameters and hardware synchronisation
- Displays and saves live images with all simultaneous signals
- Uses advanced scan modes, including sub-pixel and chopping
- Integrates easily with Python with remote network control

DISS6 image acquisition for SEM
- Integrated software for image acquisition and amplifier control
- Advanced tools for colour mixing, current-voltage (IV) and line scans
- Inspection and export functions of calibrated image data

DIPS6 image processing
- Dedicated software for display of image data
- Inspection of acquisition settings in metadata
- Extraction of quantitative pixel value